
Vitamin D: Make Sure You Get Your Dose Of Vitamin D (Sun)… — 5 Comments

  1. I currently take vitamin C for skin, and Vitamin E for hair. I have seen a huge difference in my hair since I started the vitamin E, does anyone have suggestions about other vitamins that improve looks

  2. I always wondered what vitamin D does. When I look at it, I don’t think I get enough sunlight especially if you’re supposed to get 20-30 minutes a day. I usually get it while running so maybe I could increase the amount of running I do each week.

    I think a big problem for many people is that everything takes place indoors now. There isn’t as much of an opportunity to go outside anymore. That just doesn’t seem good for us anymore as your post here points that out.

    • Hi Steve,

      It sounds like you’re getting enough (20 to 30 minutes sun exposure will be enough if you’re fair skinned). However, you need to adapt your exposure according to your latitude, time of day, time of year, cloud cover. If it’s cloudy, run a bit longer as, the heavier the clouds, the more UV rays will be blocked.
      Wear short sleeves t-shirts and shorts to expose as much bare skin as possible to synthetise as much vitamin D as possible.
      If it’s very sunny, of course, don’t let yourself burn!

      It’s very easy to forget to spend some time outdoors. I admire your running! I’m not much of a runner myself. My solution… my beautiful black labrador Jess. She makes sure I take her out!

  3. Hi Isabelle,

    Here I am again. I can tell you one thing is that I think that Americans do not get enough sun in general. I am saying this because being from France I’ve observed the French to be more outdoor people than Americans are. Here they love too much their air conditioning and spend whole days indoors.

    I love the sun and I’ve always known that it’s good for you. But just like wine, too much will of course be bad for you. Common sense should be the judge as you mentioned.

    Thank you for coming over to my blog 🙂

    • Hi Sylviane,

      Same thing here in the UK. People spend a lot of time indoors and there have been reports of increasing cases of rickets and lack of vitamin D. English people are also quite scared of the sun generally. I’ve got a darker skin (Italian and Maltese grand-parents) so I can take a bit more before it starts turning pink (which hasn’t been the case for a long time – terrible spring and summer so far over here…). Like you said, it’s all about moderation and commopn sense 🙂
      We also make an effort to walk often with the kids instead of leaving them indoors on their DS and other devices. They’re not always happy to start with but we try and make it fun and we always end up having a great time. Living in a trekking paradise and having a dog who needs plenty of exercise help a lot too.

      Speak to you soon on your blog or mine!

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