
Influence: How To Influence Others by Combining Visualization with Procedural Thinking — 3 Comments

  1. You’re so right. When you break things down step by step, you turn them into these little chunks of information that become so much easier to understand. As a whole, things can be complex and hard to understand, but broken down become simpler.

    I’ve learned something similar to this being a teacher. We call it scaffolding. It’s when you break a complex task down into smaller parts so a complex project becomes just a series of simple steps. It becomes even easier for people to understand if you model things which is kind of what you did by giving your example.

    • Hey Steve,

      I hope all is going well over there in Morocco (are you still there?)…

      Scaffolding… I like it.

      And there was me thinking that meant ugly iron bars against the side of your house 😉

      There is also a concept known as ‘chunking’ in NLP terms which is all about breaking problems down (or the opposite in the case of someone being too much in the details) – i.e. ‘chunking up’ and ‘chunking down’ (which I know sounds like it could mean something else too).

      … and don’t get me started on Modelling. I love Modelling (not that kind of Modelling!)

      • Yeah, I’m still in Morocco. I’ll be here until a few days after the new year. I’m picking up a lot of French, seeing sites when I can and of course teaching. And I’ve been doing scaffolding lately too as part of that teaching. It’s all good.

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