
Ideas (aka Too Many Ideas? Me Too…) — 24 Comments

    • Hey Ana,

      how are things with you? Well, I hope!

      I know exactly what you mean with the ideas (obviously, I wrote the above article ;-)). The sheer vastness of the internet doesn’t help – I’m always learning new stuff – and some of that is your fault!! 😉

      I’m flattered you’d link to me – could you put a link for the post you mean here?

        • Wow. Cool, thanks!

          & Apologies for being a thickie, I thought you meant an article you wrote on CL when you obviously meant the CL link right below your comment. Doh!

          posts on slideshare make me feel bad because it’s one of those things I feel I should be doing more with, like YouTube, Podcasts, email & Udemy… all of these I would say are worth investing more time in (instead of e.g. social media) but what a finite resource time is…

          (anyways, I’m in no hurry…)


          still, when I’m ready and want to get more into slideshare, there’s no-one else I’m going to turn to than you Ana!

          best wishes,

  1. Hi Alan, I can’t agree more about the benefits of writing things down and decluttering the mind. I am use to doing this in a work environment. It’s amazing how much ideas are refined once I try to put them down into a quick presentation – in particular trying to depict what could sometimes be a complex subject into a couple of slides, so that people could quickly understand and decisions can be made. By putting my thoughts onto paper, it helps me shape my views. I have recently applied this to my personal life. After your Lifestyle Design article, I brain dumped a number of thoughts onto paper. It was once my brain was clear of all these ideas (some of which were conflicting), that I could see the wood from the trees and design a plan for the next few years. I’m looking forward to your blog on property investment

    • Hey Jonathan,

      right! De-cluttering the mind – that’s what it does.

      You touch on another great technique, simple, effective yet massively underused and underrated – the power of a simple presentation. The old school idea of ‘thick’ presentations is just so wrong. If you can’t fit it on one page, then you can’t explain it very well – I am a big fan of the 1-pager (OK, 2 if you insist).

      The 1-pager is something I have in my list of 100 business models. It sounds stupid to call that a model but the whole concept is as powerful as anything else out there and there’s definitely an art to doing it right (that I’ve got something to say about ;-)).

      The property investment point will be via email only and only to those on my list – but you are so you’ll get it. As I said above, I haven’t sent that yet but watch out for it shortly…

  2. I’m a big fan of writing things down too, Alan. This extends to what is generally in my head, and not just ideas. If I’m feeling down for whatever reason, I write it all down to feel better about whatever is bothering me.

    In my head, it will feel like I have a LOT going on, but after I’ve written it all down, it doesn’t look like so much – perhaps I in fact have an emptier head that I realise? Ha ha!

    Even though you’re not sure about it, the piece about the tools/apps you use would be useful, depending on what your audience want to achieve, of course.

    – Razwana

  3. Hi,

    The statement about writing things done is perhaps more important then you are indicating. I will need to find the quote, probably in a book about about how to stop procrastination ! It details how stress and anxiety could be greatly reduced by listing the things that needed to be done. By making a hardcopy your mind could stop reminding you about them every minute!
    Tried to explain this to my wife, we need to list all house work that needs to be done at what intervals, this would greatly reduce stress and auguments!

    • Well, whatever gave you the impression that I was saying it was anything less than important Ev?

      I thought by explaining that a little more happens when you write things down than simply recording them, I was touching on how powerful this can be. In fact I may have even used that word, powerful. Yes I did.

      So I agree with you, this can be huge. Perhaps I should have stressed that even more then.

      but I didn’t want to overdo it.

  4. Alan, this happens to me a lot. I have a lot of ideas going on in my head that I need to do but if I write them down they are more likely to get done sooner.
    I also have a post in the pipeline on tools and apps that I use – maybe we are thinking alike there. Surving on sheer dumb look luck looks like it would be a really fun read. Go for it!

    • Yep, me too 😉

      On the apps front there are so many really cool apps around these days, it’s amazing how quickly the world is changing – the problem with an article like this is it’s not exactly going to be ‘evergreen’ which almost all of our articles usually are otherwise (e.g. Cicero’s 6 Mistakes of Man aren’t likely to change any time soon ;-)).

      that plus it’s a bit gimmicky but probably would be very useful just because I know how much I like it when someone recommends an app to me and I find it really useful…

      thanks for the comment Lisa!

      take care & best wishes,

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