
Ignorance & How To Tackle It — 2 Comments

  1. For what seems a long time now I have thought about the word itself, a statement about being it, an insult or remark with the word included in it… ignorant/ignorance as being no greater than its exact definition. That being “to not know”. Not knowing, the unknown… that is NOT the bad part of the word itself. Because as this article clearly states, it’s not set in stone. It is only the moment in time before the answers to whatever is unknown becomes the known. To know or not know, that is the question. To purposely not find out the truths or ways of something is and can be viewed as not very knowledgeable or dim…perhaps. if someone is simply unwilling to meet the truth or runs from it… that is bad. And, can lead to bad choices and so on. But, someone seeking answers to which they don’t currently have is a student. And I believe in being a student for life. You can never know too much. Life is a book of unknown truths… find them and set your souls desire to learn on fire with knowledge. Thank you for your viewpoint. I concur 100%.

    • Hi Lindsay, what a great comment. I agree completely, somehow the word ‘Ignorance’ has negative connotations but it is not negative in itself, it simply refers to a lack of knowledge which is nothing sinister. That can cause problems though and persistent, deliberate ignorance is something else, but personally I reckon that is actually quite rare & yep, being a student for life is definitely the way to go, when we can learn and remain curious, unafraid of the things we don’t know (and excited to learn), life is so much better.

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