
Why Write About Trees (Check it Out, They’re Awesome)? — 4 Comments

  1. Alan,

    I take on board that your article was not a both sides.

    I strongly agree that AI and IT in general allows new patterns complex production and service to exist. But are we ready to grasp the opportunity? A prime example of this Uber it appears the labour laws and society are not ready. I know what your going to say, they have more rapes and sexual assaults than other mini-cabs? In fact their rates of failure on this issue are not out of line with the number of drivers registered with them. But world wide their methods of organising a transportation service are been pushed back.

    Rather than having large mega farms, may be via AI and IT smaller plots of land can be organised in a complex web of food production. With IT like Ebay it is possible for millions of markets, almost person to person. If I wish to sell the morning dew collected from leaves via Bay I am sure there are people that would buy for personal use or to be combined for whole sale from many suppliers.

    • Agreed re: Uber, there may be some exploitation going on as with the case with Deliveroo and the wider discussion about the ‘gig’ economy in genera but I do agree that a lot of the challenges come up are looked at via existing laws and attitudes that are slow to change. I’m not convined in either case that a better compromise couldn’t have been reached that allows room for more flexibility and different models.

      Progress has always been made at the boundaries.

  2. Hi,

    Trees are beautiful!
    I love tree lined streets. My street is tree lined!
    I love trees in my garden, the bigger the better.

    But you failed to say the negatives.

    Tree roots undermine house foundations, the roots can lift a house.
    If you chop it down and the roots die, the space left behind will cause subsidence.
    If the tree gets ‘thirsty’ then via its roots it will suck moisture from the ground causing the ground to shrink, again causing subsidence.
    During storms [caused by climate change 😉 ] trees often fall causing damage which have lead to deaths.

    Hopefully AI will lead to better climate models so we can test solutions.

    I am surprised that we have not harnessed the tree swaying to produce energy for industrial purposes.

    • Hi Ev,

      I didn’t fail to say the negatives because it wasn’t meant to be a ‘pros & cons’ type article. It is an article about the benefits of trees and really all about how wonderful they are.

      The points you make are obviously true but not huge negatives in my view. yes tree roots can cause problems to houses and gardens, but I think that is just part of nature and as I’m a huge fan of nature I would rather find a solution which protects nature than protects the house/fence at the expense of the tree – I also do have some experience of this myself.

      I also agree with you that trees fall during storms causing damage and this is worse due to Climate Change but this only means we should work harder to tackle Climate Change, not that we should get rid of trees (because, as I said in the article above, like all things which are a natural part of our world and it’s ecosystems, trees help prevent climate change).

      One way AI can help hugely is getting us back to a natural way of doing things – e.g. rather than having farms with big unnatural rectangular fields which are harvested en-masse, AI can support a more natural type of micro-farming which supports the natural way of things and gives crops and natural produce and animals which support each other more time to do so and to recover as more smaller scale harvesting in more locations rather than bigger operations in fewer locations is better all-round. There’s more to this concept but hopefully you get what I mean.

      There could easily be more than enough food production on the Earth to feed the entire population of the planet with very little effort and if AI could help with that basic human need, it would shift the labour discussion (robots taking our jobs) more to the self-actualization end of the scale (also needs a shift away from ‘jobs’ as paid labour to ‘work’ as value-add & fulfilment – much longer discussion lol).

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