Websites – 365 REALLY Useful Websites You Just Gotta Check Out
I suppose if I were asked that question I’d find it difficult to narrow it down to one site. I have lots of sites that I really like for various reasons.
There’s no doubt about it, a good website can make a huge difference to your day to day life. I regularly use Google Maps for example to check out journey times, property locations and more, IMDB to check out if a movie is worth watching or my online banking site to manage my finances.
So I have compiled a list useful websites I think you might like to know about. I’ve avoided all the obvious sites (such as Amazon, Google, Ebay, the aforementioned Google Maps), however useful, which I’m sure you have already heard of (though I have mentioned a few other Google sites you might not have heard of). I’ve also avoided all the social media sites (we were talking about useful sites here, right?). That leaves 365 useful websites I’d like to share with you.
Yes, 365 of them.
I’ll tell you why 365 – I liked the idea of anyone reading this (who has little time) being able to just go to a site for the day. i.e. if you have very limited time, simply pick today’s date and check out the site for that day – it will work on any given day because it’s a list of 365 sites and I’ve picked one for each day. Pretty cool eh? Then you can come back and do the same again another day if you like.
(that plus I do like a challenge and basically bet myself I could come up with 365 of them to satisfy the above idea).
I’ve had a lot of fun (and just a tad more work than I thought it was going to be, but fun all the same) compiling this little list, I hope you have fun with it too…
Regional Variations
Most of these sites are global. Meaning wherever you live, they should work for you. Some though are either US or UK specific sites. There will likely be an equivalent useful website for your region, but I have only listed one for simplicity. In case there isn’t that site or a version of it where you are, don’t despair, instead, perhaps try searching on the name and see if our friend Google can find you something similar near you – or use one of the site’s I’ve listed here, or to find an equivalent.
Some Extra Info
Obviously I have some favourites out of this list and have listed these useful websites for various reasons, some of them are very practical, some are cool, some are funny and some are very informative. So to give a bit more info on each one without taking much space, I have added the following key:
– Personal Favourite of Alans
– Related Article on This Site
– Very Practical
– Cool / Funny
– News /Informative
– Education / Learning Site
OK, Here We Go…
1. (or Jan 1) Mailinator – A superb, quick temporary mail facility that is easy to use and very practical. Use a mailinator address instead of your own for any website that needs an email address. Email auto-deletes, avoid spam, use for QA testing.
2. (or Jan 2) RulesOfThumb – Rules of thumb are often funny but also can be very practical. I already talk a bit about this website in this article: Rules of Thumb and also a little more about the psychology of rules of thumb and why they are very useful to us. Anyway, this site has loads of them.
3. (or Jan 3) Zoho – Really extensive suite of web based business apps, for example check out their fully functional online spreadsheet here: Zoho Online Spreadsheet but there is really a lot more on offer.
4. (or Jan 4) Fake Name Generator – What’s not to love about a fake name generator? Could be very useful if you want to play spies.
5. (or Jan 5) Bubbl – A free online mind-mapping tool. A mind map is a graphical representation of ideas and concepts. It’s a visual thinking tool for structuring information, helping you to better understand, remember and generate new ideas. You can even try it without signing in.
6. (or Jan 6) The Rasterbator – The Rasterbator makes wall art from any image. Enlarge images by splitting them across multiple pages which can then be printed to make huge wall posters.
7. (or Jan 7) SuperCook – Add your ingredients and Supercook instantly finds matching recipes from the most popular cooking websites, awesome!!
8. (or Jan 8) Memrise – Memrise helps you learn just about anything by combining science, fun and community. Learn more about it here or check it out for yourself.
9. (or Jan 9) IFTTT – This is a really impressive website. IFTTT stands for If This Then That and is basically a way to automate various events and actions between apps, devices and websites. I’ve written about this in the past too when I first came across the site (and was so impressed I wanted to share it) here: Automation II (aka Efficiency Hack #14: How to Supercharge your Efficiency with If This Then That)
10. (or Jan 10) Who Sampled – the world’s most comprehensive, detailed and accurate database of samples, cover songs and remixes, covering the entire history of music spanning over 1000 years and documenting all the fascinating musical connections along the way.
11. (or Jan 11) Slate – news, politics, arts, business and science with a host of high-profile contributors.
12. (or Jan 12) This to That – Because people have a need to glue things to other things. Tells you which glue to use to glue one material to another. The site also contains useful tips to bear in mind in the process (e.g. clamping makes a huge difference when gluing wood together). Personally I think they could have more choices in the materials (e.g. they just have one ‘wood’ but could list different types of wood: MDF, balsa, soft, hard) but still a very useful site.
13. (or Jan 13) The Khan Academy – I wrote all about the Khan Academy in this article: The Khan Academy but it’s basically an amazing free website with very well structured, free courses on a wide range of subjects.
14. (or Jan 14) Similar Sites – Discover Similar Sites to the ones you know and love.
15. (or Jan 15) Adobe Color CC – Create color schemes with the color wheel or browse thousands of color combinations.
16. (or Jan 16) Fuelly – Everything you need to know about your vehicle’s fuel consumption – understanding your fuel consumption and vehicle’s actual costs can help you save big money.
17. (or Jan 17) Combine PDF – A free and easy to use online tool that allows you to combine multiple PDF or images files into a single PDF document without having to install any software.
18. (or Jan 18) ZamZar – Have you ever wanted to covert files without the need to download software? Then check out ZamZar, the fre e online video converter, audio converter, image converter, eBook converter. No download or account required.
19. (or Jan 19) Urban Dictionary – An online dictionary of slang words and phrases.
20. (or Jan 20) Ikea Hackers – the original and best IKEA hacks website, check out contribution of IKEA hackers from all over the globe. They submit their creations, with the hope of providing alternative ideas on IKEA products. IkeaHackers is packed with lots of cool projects for your home or just for a bit of fun.
21. (or Jan 21) Bug Me Not – If you want to check out a site or get some data from a site, but don’t fancy sharing your login or personal information, pick one up from BugMeNot instead. BugMeNot shares logins, so you can get what you need and avoid spam or inbox invasion.
22. (or Jan 22) Music Map – Superb, just type in the name of an artist and music map will show you a ‘map’ of similar artists, continue clicking on artists to find other similarities. Wonderful.
23. (or Jan 23) Give the time you want to wake up, and will tell you when you should go to sleep. Or find out when you should wake up if you go to sleep now.
24. (or Jan 24) Filler Item – Enter the amount you need to see a list of products (including add-on items) that qualify for free shipping. Great for that annoying situation when you fall just short of their free shipping threshold.
25. (or Jan 25) 3-Minute Journal – an online application that allows you to track your inner work life. Powered by a brief daily journal entry, you can track accomplishments and emotional state, mark moments of gratitude, and benchmark yourself against others in the 3-Minute Journal community.
26. (or Jan 26) Tall Tweets – convert any presentation into an animated GIF and share it on Twitter.
27. (or Jan 27) Follow Up Then – The simplest way to schedule an email reminder. Using the bcc: field, a follow up can be scheduled via followupthen without the recipient seeing the reminder at the same time as a 1st mail is sent.
28. (or Jan 28) Jotti – Jotti’s malware scan is a free service that lets you scan suspicious files with several anti-virus programs. You can submit up to 5 files at the same time. There is a 100MB limit per file.
29. (or Jan 29) Livestream – Livestream is a place to watch or broadcast live events. High quality video streaming and sharing online.
30. (or Jan 30) – Quick, professional, hassle-free meeting minutes.
31. (or Jan 31) Print Friendly – Make any web page Print Friendly & PDF.
32. (or Feb 1) Polish My Writing / After The Deadline – A language checker for the web with free grammar, spelling, and style advice.
33. (or Feb 2) Priv Note – Send notes that will self destruct after being read.
34. (or Feb 3) Duolingo – this is a really, really good language learning site. Very impressive.
35. (or Feb 4) – protect your email address before sharing it so that only real people will use it (this will protect you from email scraping, spam and other online threats).
36. (or Feb 5) Mathway – Mathway provides students with the tools they need to understand and solve their maths problems. With millions of users and billions of problems solved, Mathway is the #1 problem solving resource available for students, parents, and teachers.
37. (or Feb 6) PicMonkey – a powerful, free web-based photo editor. It’s very good and I’ve used it lots. It does seem like they’re trying to push the paid options more lately but you can still use it for free and do lots with it.
38. (or Feb 7) Kleki – a good quality online painting tool which you can also use to upload and edit existing images. Nice, simple interface.
39. (or Feb 8) Eddtor – Simple, clean, online editor/word processor.
40. (or Feb 9) My Fonts / What The Font – Seen a font in use and want to know what it is? Submit an image to WhatTheFont to find a match. Or, let cloak-draped font enthusiasts lend a hand in the WhatTheFont Forum.
41. (or Feb 10) Oh Don’t Forget – The easiest way to schedule SMS reminders for yourself, your family, friends or customers.
42. (or Feb 11) Account Killer – Super simple instructions to delete just about any online account or profile.
43. (or Feb 12) Pixlr – advanced online photo editor (no download is required). 100% free.
44. (or Feb 13) – highlight text on a website with your mouse. Annotating helps to point out important information in long articles. Use a special link for the highlighted version of the page which can then be shared.
45. (or Feb 14) Old Version – Ever had problems with new versions of software? Whetherincompatibility issues, bugs or you just preferred the older version, downgrade via this website and get the old version back.
46. (or Feb 15) Skyscanner – Skyscanner is a leading global travel search site, a place where people are inspired to plan and book direct from millions of travel options at the best prices.
47. (or Feb 16) Faster Plan – An online billboard app which enables you to organize your events, fast! Make Polls, find common dates and more. It’s free and participants don’t need to sign up.
48. (or Feb 17) Fax Zero – Still need to send a fax somewhere? Use this online app.
49. (or Feb 18) – is a web based word processor for people to collaborate in real-time – any changes are instantly reflected on everyone’s screen.
50. (or Feb 19) Camel Camel Camel – If you’re shopping on Amazon, CamelCamelCamel will help you out by tracking prices of the items you want alerting you when prices drop, helping you decide when to buy & offering price history charts.
51. (or Feb 20) Alternative To – Input what website or application you want to replace and AlternativeTo will suggest alternatives, based on user recommendations.
52. (or Feb 21) – Create and use music notation on any device, write your own music online.
53. (or Feb 22) Safe Web – Simple and effective URL checker. If you suspect any website or link you have been sent check it with this site first before you click on the link. Type in (or cut & paste) the URL and Safeweb lets you know if that link is Safe.
54. (or Feb 23) Find Your Nearest Postbox – Simply put in your postcode (top right) and find the post boxes nearest to you.
55. (or Feb 24) Coral CDN – Use CoralCDN to get access to slow websites or websites that are down due to heavy traffic or to increase the performance and availability of your own website.
56. (or Feb 25) Built With – Find out what websites are built with.
57. (or Feb 26) Way Back Machine – Have you ever tried to go to a website you saved months ago, only to learn it’s no longer available? Explore more than 310 billion web pages saved over time with the Way Back Machine and get access to the information you need, even if the website is gone forever.
58. (or Feb 27) Grooveshark – Free music streaming (a little like Spotify). No registration necessary.
59. (or Feb 28) Smarter Travel – expert travel tips, inspiring destination stories, and timely travel news to feed your passion for seeing the world before, during, and after your trip.
60. (or Mar 1) Home Styler – Design your dream home in 3D.
61. (or Mar 2) Online Etymology Dictionary – Etymologies are not definitions; they’re explanations of what our words meant 600 or 2,000 years ago. People will continue to use words as they will, finding wider meanings for old words and coining new ones to fit new situations. In fact, this list is a testimony to that process. These are histories of words only, not things or ideas. The modern word for something might have replaced old, forgotten words for the same object or concept. Find out more with this site.
62. (or Mar 3) – Fast and simple, an online notebook which you can also easily share with others (via a short link).
63. (or Mar 4) Kiva – Kiva is an international nonprofit with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty.
64. (or Mar 5) Fiverr – the world’s largest freelance services marketplace for lean entrepreneurs to focus on growth & create a successful business at affordable costs. Based on people doing micro-jobs for $5, which is where it got its name.
65. (or Mar 6) Stickk – a free goal-setting platform created by behavioural economists at Yale University, leveraging the power of incentives and accountability.
66. (or Mar 7) Copy Paste Character – free website which allows you to copy & paste hundreds of special characters, from the Copyright symbol to accented to letters to colored emojis.
67. (or Mar 8) Boxoh – Want to know where your package is? Boxoh tracks your shipment using Google Maps.
68. (or Mar 9) – a collaboration tool designed to make collaboration simple, instant and continuous. No installation or plug-ins required, no cost & near-instantaneous sharing of screens.
69. (or Mar 10) Time & Date Calculator and Converters – A fantastic collection of tools related to time and date. e.g. Calculate the duration between two dates here, check out the world clock here & lots more.
70. (or Mar 11) – These days you can use the entire Microsoft Office suite online (but unfortunately this one is not free). You may be able to use it though if you already have a stand-alone copy of office with a licence key.
71. (or Mar 12) UnplugtheTV – I wrote about this website in this article: Unplugging, and about how we spend our time in general and can often be victims of marketing and fall into predictable routines and habits. UnplugtheTV offers an alternative to mind-numbing television with the simple suggestion that instead of wasting your life watching TV, you could watch something mind-opening and educational.
72. (or Mar 13) Zedge – Free ringtones, wallpapers and backgrounds for your cellphone.
73. (or Mar 14) Practical Typography – Everything you need to know about Typography in a beautiful, clean, interactive website
74. (or Mar 15) Nolo – a website which simplifies the law and answers your everyday legal and business questions.
75. (or Mar 16) – broadcast live audio over the web.
76. (or Mar 17) Tip Of My Tongue – Isn’t it irritating when you’re in the middle of a conversation and you just can’t quite remember the word or phrase that you need? Enter TipOfMyTongue, a site which helps you find it.
77. (or Mar 18) Free Images (formerly SXC) – Use this site to browse and download stock photos – absolutely free.
78. (or Mar 19) Disposable Web Page – This site started as a simple tool to allow the online community a quick and simple way to publish temporary content on a webpage. Since then it has evolved so the pages are actually now less disposable and other services are offered. Probably best to go to the DisposableWebPage About page ( to find out more – still a very useful site.
79. (or Mar 20) Simply Noise – free color noise generator, content crafted by a professional Sound Designer to ensure the highest audio fidelity. The benefits of color noise have been utilized in clinics, schools, households, and offices around the world. Enjoy the benefits and features many expensive sound machines can’t match.
80. (or Mar 21) Crackle – Crackle delivers popular, award-winning TV, movies and originals. With no limit to how much you can watch across all your devices, you can binge all you want, wherever you want. While the selection can be limited, Crackle is completely free.
81. (or Mar 22) Survey Any Place – takes the guesswork out of creating a custom experience, gets your questions answered and makes it easy to give something back to your respondents.
82. (or Mar 23) Strip Creator – Stripcreator is a website that allows users to create and save their own comic strips.
83. (or Mar 24) Latitude & Longitude Finder – Lan online geographic tool that can be used to lookup latitude and longitude of a place, and get its coordinates on map. The place you found will be displayed with the point marker centered on map. Also the gps coordinates will be displayed below the map.
84. (or Mar 25) Project Gutenberg – Project Gutenberg offers over 56,000 free eBooks: Choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online. You will find the world’s great literature here, especially older works for which copyright has expired. No fee or registration is required.
85. (or Mar 26) Photo Show – online slideshow creation and sharing subscription service. Transform your photos and videos into musical PhotoShows, then share them with your friends and family.
86. (or Mar 27) Chandoo – A site dedicated to helping you become awesome in Excel.
87. (or Mar 28) Giphy – a powerful search engine exclusively for GIF graphics files, GIPHY is your top source for the best & newest GIFs & Animated Stickers online.
88. (or Mar 29) WhatShouldIReadNext – Enter a book or author that you like and WSIRN will recommend what you should read next.
89. (or Mar 30) WolframAlpha – a computational knowledge engine that answers factual queries directly by computing the answer from externally sourced “curated data”, rather than providing a list of documents or web pages that might contain the answer as a search engine might.
90. (or Mar 31) GetNotify – Never wonder again if an email you sent gets read by the recipient. GetNotify will tell you when your emails have been read. P.S. It’s invisible, so your recipient doesn’t know that the email is being tracked.
91. (or Apr 1) Snopes – Ever heard a story and wondered if it’s really true? Look it up on Snopes, the definitive Internet reference source for urban legends, folklore, myths, rumors, and misinformation.
92. (or Apr 2) Online Alarm Clock – Everything you might want in an alarm clock with lots of configuratin options.
93. (or Apr 3) HundredZeros – Download free books for Kindle.
94. (or Apr 4) GetHuman – Get a company on the phone faster & get better help. Enter the company name to learn the best number to call to get human help from any give company.
95. (or Apr 5) World City Data – Very cool online interactive tool (map) which shows data for cities around the world.
96. (or Apr 6) IRuler – measures the size of your screen and creates the image of a ruler that is the actual size. Can also be used to quickly visualize size(s) if yu don’t have an actual ruler nearby.
97. (or Apr 7) RxList – the Internet Drug Index. Learn all about what the pills you’re taking contain and what they actually do. The site also has a feature that helps you identify your pills, in case you mix two up by mistake.
98. (or Apr 8) Icon Finder – Search engine for icons.
99. (or Apr 9) – Another very simple but very effective site, finds the original URL that’s hiding behind a short URL.
100. (or Apr 10) hostelbookers – Hostels and cheap hotel booking site.
101. (or Apr 11) Pipl – a powerful search engine with a particular focus on finding people and offering reverse look-up with someone’s email address, username or phone number as well.
102. (or Apr 12) Trello – an easy, free, flexible, and visual way to manage your projects and organize anything.
103. (or Apr 13) EggTimer – a nice, simple countdown timer, or egg timer. Set a time and bookmark it for repeated use. Also has a ‘Pomodoro’ timer which is a time-management technique I have written about in this article: The Pomodoro Technique: How a TOMATO can Change Your Life & Super-Charge Your Efficiency. You can also create a count down to a specific date or time.
104. (or Apr 14) Price Runner – Compare products and prices.
105. (or Apr 15) Print What You Like – print the good parts of any web page while skipping ads and other junk.
106. (or Apr 16) Online Video Resizer – Resize any video in just three clicks.
107. (or Apr 17) Online Word Counter – helps to analyze text with word count and other statistics relating to text quality, word frequency and character combinations.
108. (or Apr 18) My Fitness Pal – Lose weight the healthy way – free website and mobile apps that make calorie counting and food tracking easy.
109. (or Apr 19) TagMyDoc – increase productivity by connecting people through the right version of the right document; and this, no matter how people name, organize or share their documents. Add a QR code and any updates will automatically be made to previous versions you’ve shared.
110. (or Apr 20) ctrql.rss – a feed engine to help you discover RSS feeds around your favorite topics.
111. (or Apr 21) Photo Peach – create a rich slideshow in seconds to engage your friends or family. Add background music, captions, and comments so you can elaborate on your story further.
112. (or Apr 22) – a document creation tool. With this, tool, you can literally view everything that other persons write on the document board in real time. Very useful for online meetings, strategies, collaborations, project management and consulting.
113. (or Apr 23) ScribbleMaps – Easily Create and Share Maps. Share with friends, embed maps on websites, and create images. Draw your own map with Google Maps integration.
114. (or Apr 24) Zoom Hub – ZoomHub lets you share & view your high-resolution images seamlessly and blazingly fast, no matter whether you are on a desktop computer, tablet, or mobile phone.
115. (or Apr 25) Cloze – The no-work way to see everything about your contacts in one place. Email, phone calls, meetings, notes, follow-ups and social.
116. (or Apr 26) – Google URL shortener – simplify your links.
117. (or Apr 27) Preceden – Preceden is an easy-to-use timeline maker that helps you create great looking timelines such as Project, Marketing, Business, School, Novel & Life timelines.
118. (or Apr 28) Last Pass – LastPass remembers all your passwords, so you don’t have to. It’s very secure and when using this tool you can start using randomnly generated secure passwords and more feasibly use a completely different password for every website (because Lastpass securely stores and remembers them on your behalf). Uses a master password and other security checks to access your ‘vault’ of passwords.
119. (or Apr 29) Prezi – Deliver visually stunning, interactive experiences that engage and captivate, vs Powerpoint, Prezi creates memorable presentations with a fraction of the effort.
120. (or Apr 30) – Share any number of files in seconds. Files can be previewed before downloading.
121. (or May 1) Simple Habit Tracker – a simple and beautiful habit tracker, an application that helps you track your habits and get disciplined. EverydayCheck’s habit board provides an at a glance overview of all the habits you are pushing for making it easy to keep them in mind & see how you’re doing with each. It helps you make yourself accountable of your own goals and progress.
122. (or May 2) Runpee – Let’s you know the best time to run and pee during a movie, then it gives you a synopsis you can read while you’re peeing.
123. (or May 3) My (Google) Activity – Can’t find the link you Googled before? As long as you have a Google account, you can look through your own search history, websites you’ve visited, and videos you’ve watched. It’s password-protected, so only you can log on.
124. (or May 4) – Brand, track and optimize every touchpoint with Bitly, the world’s leading link management platform.
125. (or May 5) Gravit – full featured free vector design app.
126. (or May 6) Google Fonts – directory of open source designer web fonts which can be shared and integrated into any web-based design project, all optimized for the web.
127. (or May 7) – True random number service. The randomness comes from atmospheric noise, which for many purposes is better than the pseudo-random number algorithms typically used in computer programs. People use for holding drawings, lotteries and sweepstakes, to drive online games, for scientific applications and for art and music.
128. (or May 8) Midomi – Can’t remember the name of a song? Hum or sing it, and Midomi will tell you. Midomi is the ultimate music search tool because it is powered by your voice.
129. (or May 9) – a pure domain management service offering domain registration and DNS hosting which helps you search domains across all TLDs.
130. (or May 10) Letter Generator – Cool site which enables you to write an entire letter in less than a minute!
131. (or May 11) Swapz (UK Specific) – Swapz is the UK’s biggest, most established and original marketplace where you can swap, trade, sell and deal with like-minded people both locally and nationwide. The choices are all yours.
132. (or May 12) Smile Box – Your memories live forever with Smilebox’s creative platform. It’s a simple way to share your photos with family and friends. Choose from +1000 templates for any occasion: birthdays, weddings, holiday greetings, memorials and so much more. Simply get creative.
133. (or May 13) Adobe Sign (formerly EchoSign) – e-signing solution replacing the need for paper based signatures and enabling faster and remote transactions with electronic legal and digital signatures.
134. (or May 14) EdX – global access to quality education. EdX connects learners to the best universities and institutions from around the world.
135. (or May 15) Academic Earth – a great tool to learn practically anything you want, for free.
136. (or May 16) GTMetrix – GTmetrix gives you insight on how well your site loads and provides actionable recommendations on how to optimize it.
137. (or May 17) PDF Escape – PDFescape is a free, online PDF reader, editor, form filler, & form designer.
138. (or May 18) Scale of The Universe – Putting the Universe into perspective. The Scale of The Universe shows everything from the smallest to largest things in our universe. Check out the Scale of The Universe right now! Amazing to see.
139. (or May 19) Zapier – Connect your apps and automate workflows. Easy automation for busy people. Zapier moves info between your web apps automatically, so you can focus on your most important work. Similar to IFTTT.
140. (or May 20) You Tube in TV Mode – Watch YouTube channels in TV mode – try it!
141. (or May 21) Down For Everyone Or Just Me? – Is a website or site down? Easy way to check if a site is down for everyone or just me. Plus other tools too.
142. (or May 22) Trash Nothing – Fantastic site which promotes recycling of unwanted or donated items instead of these going to landfill. Give and receive items via this site. The trash nothing! site is simply an alternate interface for existing freecycle groups around the world. The site was designed to make freecycling easier and solve a lot of the problems that the existing groups have from using Yahoo Groups (such as spam and email overload among other things). So you can access all your freecycling groups in a quicker and easier way.
143. (or May 23) Daily Lit – pick your book and what time of day you want your installments delivered and you’re set. Don’t want to carry Anna Karenina on the train? DailyLit sends you just enough for your morning commute or coffee break. Find yourself with some extra time? Can’t wait a whole day for the next chapter of Moby Dick? Just tap “Next installment” and it’ll be on its way. The website will give you snippets of the book via email or RSS until you finish it.
144. (or May 24) Flight Stats – Global Flight Tracker and Travel Planning. Track real-time flight status, departures and arrivals, airport delays, and airport information.
145. (or May 25) Log Me In – Get In and go with remote access from LogMeIn. Enjoy the freedom to work from anywhere by accessing desktop and laptop computers, PC or Mac, over the web.
146. (or May 26) Prey Project – Anti-theft solution for tracking devices & protection. Find your laptop, iphone, android and tablet when stolen or missing. Mobile security for multiples OS.
147. (or May 27) Survey Monkey – free online survey tool to quickly and easily capture the voices and opinions of the people who matter most to you.
148. (or May 28) Do Nothing for 2 Minutes – a site that asks you to just relax and listen to waves for 2 minutes.
149. (or May 29) Google Maps Timeline – Your timeline in Google Maps helps you find the places you’ve been and the routes you’ve travelled.
150. (or May 30) A Good Movie To Watch – agoodmovietowatch finds you great movies that you haven’t yet seen on popular streaming services, decisively ending the interminable hours of “what are we gonna watch” currently plaguing our world. In addition, AGMTW highlights fantastic movies that were overlooked and deserve far more love than they get.
151. (or May 31) TotalProSports – Sports News, Videos and Pictures covering NFL, NHL, MLB, NBA, MMA, College Football, College Basketball, NASCAR, Fantasy Sports, Sports Betting and more.
152. (or Jun 1) – Let me Google That for You. Teach others how to use Google’s internet search – and other search engines too, and how to use image and video search as well as other features that have evolved on this platform since it was first created.
153. (or Jun 2) Seat Guru – Aircraft seat maps, flight shopping and flight information. Enter a flight number for example and get a seat map for that aircraft.
154. (or Jun 3) Small Demons – For book lovers, a site which adds context to which books have featured certain famous places or people.
155. (or Jun 4) Global Genie – Virtual teleportation and sharing. Explore the world.
156. (or Jun 5) A Soft Murmur – Ambient sounds to wash away distraction.
157. (or Jun 6) Wowbrary – Free Alerts about Your Library’s Newest Books, Movies & Music.
158. (or Jun 7) Online Spam Checker – helps you test email and newsletter content, and alert if it is likely to trigger spam filters.
159. (or Jun 8) Zoopla – comprehensive property website, very useful for property research such as finding out how much properties have sold for in a given street.
160. (or Jun 9) Online Piano – enables you to play the piano through your computer keyboard, without the need to download or install an app.
161. (or Jun 10) Surfly – A co-browsing solution that lets you share your browser in real time.
162. (or Jun 11) ASCII Table Lookup – Quick reference for ASCII codes. Part of the Rapid Tables website which also contains other quick reference information and tools.
163. (or Jun 12) Rotoworld – If you play fantasy sports, get breaking news and immerse yourself in the ultimate fan experience. Free up-to-the-minute player news including injuries, rankings, depth charts, cheat sheets, mock draft, stats and much more.
164. (or Jun 13) 750 words – An interesting site which encourages you to write 750 words every day. You don’t have to write every day and it doesn’t have to be 750 words but that is what the site is geared around. It’s a beautiful clean interface and the concept, and specifically why it’s a good one not just for writers but perhaps for anyone, is explained very nicely in their About page.
165. (or Jun 14) Instant File & Screenshot Sharing – a file sharing site built for speed and ease of use.
166. (or Jun 15) TinEye – Upload a picture (perhaps your profile pic) and TinEye will tell you everywhere on the internet where this image is in use. Very quick and effective.
167. (or Jun 16) – counting words and characters & online editor which helps you to improve word choice and writing style, and, optionally, help you to detect grammar mistakes and plagiarism. Also shows the top 10 keywords and keyword density of the submitted text as well as average speaking and reading time for your text.
168. (or Jun 17) – Free Optical Character Recognition software online. Service supports 46 languages including Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Extract text from PDF and images (JPG, BMP, TIFF, GIF) and convert into editable Word, Excel and Text output formats.
169. (or Jun 18) Investopedia – the world’s leading source of financial content on the web, with more than 20 million unique visitors and 60 million page views each month.
170. (or Jun 19) Happify – Build skills for lasting happiness: Happify turns the latest innovations in the science of happiness into activities and games that help you lead a more fulfilling life.
171. (or Jun 20) – Simple visual time zone tool which enables you to see at a glance equivalent times in major cities all around the world.
172. (or Jun 21) Record 1 Second Every Day – Very interesting idea – record 1 second every day and make a movie of your life. View how it works on the site and an example video. I am very intrigued by this one. Wondering if I should give it a try. If anyone else does, please let me know how it goes, I would love to hear about your experience with it.
173. (or Jun 22) Flip Text – Create a mirror text. Rotate letters 180 degrees with Unicode and turn text upside down.
174. (or Jun 23) Wordle – Wordle is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. The images you create with Wordle are yours to use however you like. You can print them out, or save them to your own desktop to use as you wish.
175. (or Jun 24) Morning Pages – To put it simply, it’s a website in which you write. The more in-depth answer is writing three pages of stream of consciousness thought by hand every day. Similar to 750 words.
176. (or Jun 25) – Learn to code interactively, for free.
177. (or Jun 26) WikiBooks – open-content textbooks collection that anyone can edit.
178. (or Jun 27) Checkvist – Online outliner and task manager for geeks. Create and share checklists, plans, and outlines.
179. (or Jun 28) – imo free video calls and chat on Android and iPhone.
180. (or Jun 29) Plus Transfer – a premium large file transfer service readily available to all and unhindered by the limitation of costs and accessibility.
181. (or Jun 30) Can I Stream It? – a free service that allows you to search across the most popular streaming, rental, and purchase services to find where a movie is available. If the movie you’re looking for is not available, just sign-up, set a reminder and voila CISI will shoot you an email when your chosen service makes the movie available. It’s simple and fast.
182. (or Jul 1) Free Online Calculators – a comprehensive collection of free online calculators for the ease of public use.
183. (or Jul 2) LetterMeLater – allows you to send emails at any future date and time you choose. With this service, you can write emails with your existing email address, and they will get sent at the exact date, or dates that you specify – down to the minute.
184. (or Jul 3) Quora – a place to gain and share knowledge. It’s a platform to ask questions and connect with people who contribute unique insights and quality answers. This empowers people to learn from each other and to better understand the world.
185. (or Jul 4) – download any file from the web directly to your Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive accounts without having to download that file to your computer. Just enter the file’s web address (or URL), pick a cloud service and, within seconds, the file will become available in your online account. The download is from cloud to cloud and therefore much faster.
186. (or Jul 5) – communication and notification hub for your entire organization. It’s easy to know what’s happening now and what’s coming up next. Workspace chat is where your real work happens. Use it to securely communicate with your internal teams and external customers.
187. (or Jul 6) How Secure Is My Password? – beautifully simple tool to check the security of your passwords. Simply type in any password to check it’s level of security, how long it would take a computer to guess, tips n how to have more secure passwords.
188. (or Jul 7) Vector Magic – Automatically convert JPG, PNG, BMP, and GIF bitmap images to true SVG, EPS, and PDF vector images online by simply uploading them. Real full-color tracing, no software to install and results are ready right away.
189. (or Jul 8) Worn On TV – Clothes, shoes and accessories from the wardrobe departments of your favorite TV Shows.
190. (or Jul 9) – Digital Inspiration offers tech how-to guides, software tips, gadget reviews, mobile app recommendations and video tutorials around all things tech.
191. (or Jul 10) Ripe Track – helps you to find when your favorite fruits and vegetables are at their peak of ripeness. You can also search by month of the year to find out what’s ripe then.
192. (or Jul 11) – instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.
193. (or Jul 12) – very impressive online photo editing and drawing tool. Try also Sumo Music accessible from the same site.
194. (or Jul 13) Xtra Normal – Make your own animations for free online.
195. (or Jul 14) Masher – Create incredible videos online. Mix your photos, music, text and special effects to create professional looking videos in minutes.
196. (or Jul 15) – Search domains to identify domain owners, name server details, host and other relative data of that domain.
197. (or Jul 16) Understand Sorting Algorithms – Tone of Sorting allows you to interactivly visualize how sorting algorithms work with sound.
198. (or Jul 17) Ear Training (for Music) – improve your musical ability by developing a more intuitive understanding of what you hear. For best results, practice a little bit every day.
199. (or Jul 18) – a simple (the simplest?) way to send your files around the world.
200. (or Jul 19) Animoto – Make great videos. Easily.
201. (or Jul 20) Stop Cold Calls – Telephone Preference Service – the official central opt out register on which you can record your preference not to receive unsolicited sales or marketing calls. It is a legal requirement that all organisations (including charities, voluntary organisations and political parties) do not make such calls to numbers registered on the TPS unless they have your consent to do so.
202. (or Jul 21) Just Watch – Streaming search engine.
203. (or Jul 22) Vectr – a free graphics software used to create vector graphics easily and intuitively. It’s a simple yet powerful web and desktop cross-platform tool to bring your designs into reality.
204. (or Jul 23) Timeline of History – Histography is an interactive timeline that spans across 14 billion years of history, from the Big Bang to 2015.
205. (or Jul 24) – Beautiful, free photos. Gifted by the world’s most generous community of photographers.
206. (or Jul 25) Now I Know – want to learn all sorts of interesting things? Now I Know is a free daily newsletter; you’ll learn something new every day.
207. (or Jul 26) Photobox – photo printing website which allows you to print any size photos, create photo albums, mugs, t-shirts etc from your favourite digital photos.
208. (or Jul 27) Leanpub – a powerful platform for serious authors. This platform is the combination of two things: a publishing workflow and a storefront. For bloggers, leanpub also has a feature to automatically create a book from your blog posts. Integrates with Dropbox and uses Markdown for quick and easy editing. Perfect for creating ebooks.
209. (or Jul 28) Curiosity – make learning easier and more fun than it has ever been. Each day, creates and curates engaging topics for millions of lifelong learners worldwide.
210. (or Jul 29) – Discover who is hosting any website. Get information about the web host, IP address, name servers & more.
211. (or Jul 30) Is It Iced Coffee Weather? – Provide your location and this website answers one simple question.
212. (or Jul 31) Speed Test – the definitive way to measure your internet performance. With billions of active uses to date, Speedtest is the dominant global leader in internet performance testing and metrics.
213. (or Aug 1) The Logo Bot – Generate your own logo with ease.
214. (or Aug 2) Online Broken Link Checker – This free online Checker / Validator not just tells you which of your hyperlinks are dead but it will also show exactly where those stale references are in your HTML code.
215. (or Aug 3) – a simple, designy to-do app.
216. (or Aug 4) Plunker – an online community for creating, collaborating on and sharing your web development ideas.
217. (or Aug 5) – an online video chat community. Discover and meet friendly people just like you. Connect and chat with your friends.
218. (or Aug 6) – in-depth website analysis shows you how to improve your website rankings & online visibility through SEO, social media, usability and much more. Track & fix your website’s weaknesses.
219. (or Aug 7) Sleeping in Airports – The Guide to Sleeping in Airports. Are you stuck in the airport? Do you have a long layover? Would you like to save money on an airport hotel by sleeping in the airport? Sure, it may sound a little cheap and degrading at first, but read-on and you’ll soon discover a travel community that shares their experiences and advice with fellow airport sleepers.
220. (or Aug 8) Environmental Working Group Skin Deep – EWG uses the power of information to protect human health and the environment. EWG’s Skin Deep database gives you practical solutions to protect yourself and your family from everyday exposures to chemicals. Companies are allowed to use almost any ingredient they wish. EWG staff scientists compare the ingredients on personal care product labels and websites to information in nearly 60 toxicity and regulatory databases. Now in its eighth year, EWG’s Skin Deep database provides you with easy-to-navigate ratings for a wide range of products and ingredients on the market.
221. (or Aug 9) – Learn & teach typing, free. Free grading & classroom management for teachers, comprehensive multi-grade typing curriculum & more.
222. (or Aug 10) Difference Between (Descriptive Analysis) – Difference Between has a large knowledge base and deal with differences between popular terms, technologies, things and anything to everything.
223. (or Aug 11) Spreeder – Speed reading is the art of silencing subvocalization. Most readers have an average reading speed of 200 wpm, which is about as fast as they can read a passage out loud. This is no coincidence. It is their inner voice that paces through the text that keeps them from achieving higher reading speeds. They can only read as fast as they can speak because that’s the way they were taught to read, through reading systems like Hooked on Phonics. However, it is entirely possible to read at a much greater speed, with much better reading comprehension, by silencing this inner voice. The solution is simple – absorb reading material faster than that inner voice can keep up. Without going into too much more detail here (though there is a great explanation on the site), Spreeder is a simple but fascinating site that shows you how much faster you can read by focusing on one spot on the screen and reading one word (or one ‘chunk’ of words) at a time. Fascinating stuff.
224. (or Aug 12) – the world’s leading online source for English definitions, synonyms, word origins and etymologies, audio pronunciations, example sentences, slang phrases, idioms, word games, legal and medical terms, Word of the Day and more. from the same page you can access
225. (or Aug 13) Bing Image Feed – Explore personalized image results based on your interests, favorites, and trending searches.
226. (or Aug 14) Cheatology – your best source for cheat codes, game cheats, game hints, game reviews. Game news daily! You’ll never know defeat again.
227. (or Aug 15) – create static websites easily.
228. (or Aug 16) ShortReckonings – No more hassle tracking and evening out shared expenses.
229. (or Aug 17) – free service which enables you to unlock password protected PDF files.
230. (or Aug 18) – the ultimate online manuals library.
231. (or Aug 19) HTML Check (Markup Validation Service) – Check the markup (HTML, XHTML, …) of Web documents. This is a great reference site (I used it a lot when I was first learning how to write HTML & when I created the first versions of this site).
232. (or Aug 20) – midomi is the ultimate music search tool because it is powered by your voice. Sing, hum, or whistle to instantly find your favorite music and connect with a community that shares your musical interests.
233. (or Aug 21) Fitday – Free diet and weight loss journal.
234. (or Aug 22) 12 Knots Everyone Should Know – Practical advice on how to tie these 12 knots with videos and explanations for each.
235. (or Aug 23) Endomondo – The Personal Trainer in Your Pocket. Endomondo is a free app and website that makes fitness fun and helps you stay motivated.
236. (or Aug 24) Enso Meditation Timer and Bell – a sleek meditation timer and bell app designed to enhance your mindfullness experience.
237. (or Aug 25) joy.js – Consider the paintbrush: simple enough for a child, complex enough for an Old Master. That’s what any artistic tool should strive for, and the art of programming deserves a tool that’s more creative, more alive. Joy.js is a tool for making tools like that.
238. (or Aug 26) Transcribe Recordings – A great little website that helps you simplify the arduous task of transcribing anything. The site provides a clean interface for the writing part and very cleverly allows you to play (with variable speed), pause, rewind and fast forward an audio file uploaded from your computer or using a YouTube URL. Pausing also jumps back a second or two so you which is very handy for not missing half-words etc.
239. (or Aug 27) Instructables – Instructables is a place that lets you explore, document, and share your creations. It’s about making things. Anything.
240. (or Aug 28) Juleap – Juleap is a distraction free task manager, calendar and timer that helps you focus on the things that matter.
241. (or Aug 29) HTML Email – Create and send beautiful HTML emails, or save in Gmail drafts.
242. (or Aug 30) Netflix Roulette – Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, HBO and 50+ others all in one app. Know where to watch anything.
243. (or Aug 31) Future Learn – high quality online education – enjoy free online courses from top universities and specialist organisations.
244. (or Sep 1) Duolingo – excellent free online language learning platform. Duolingo’s adaptive experience has gamified elements to make language learning more fun and effective.
245. (or Sep 2) – With Couchsurfing, you can stay with locals in every country on earth. Travel like a local, stay in someone’s home and experience the world in a way money can’t buy.
246. (or Sep 3) Google World Wonders – Explore the ancient and modern worlds wonders in an incredible online resource powered by Google’s Street View and mapping technology.
247. (or Sep 4) BoredButton – Feeling bored? Press the bored button. This is actually a pretty cool site. Better than I thought it was going to be. Perfect, in fact, if you’re bored.
248. (or Sep 5) Online Encryption Tool – Modular online encoding, encryption and conversion tool. Web app that encodes, decodes, encrypts, decrypts, converts, translates, simulates and views content online offering a variety of ciphers, formats, algorithms and methods.
249. (or Sep 6) – Pints in the Sun is an experiment that addresses the very real problem of finding a pub that will be sunny in the evening, and not overshadowed by adjacent buildings.
250. (or Sep 7) Evernote – Capture, organize, and share notes from anywhere. Your best ideas are always with you and always in sync.
251. (or Sep 8) Days Old – How many days old are you?
252. (or Sep 9) Draft Map – Proof read your text.
253. (or Sep 10) Lumen Learning (formerly Boundless) – easy to access, affordable, adaptable open learning materials.
254. (or Sep 11) – provides REAL IP address information & IP address tools that allow users to perform an Internet Speed Test, IP address lookup, proxy detection, IP Whois Lookup, and more. Also articles which show users how to trace an email address, how to change IP addresses, and how to hide their IP information. If you’ve got questions about IP addresses and can’t find the answer on our site, post your question in the IP Address Q & A section.
255. (or Sep 12) Cheatography – Over 2,500 Free Cheat Sheets, Revision Aids and Quick References.
256. (or Sep 13) Ninite – Install and update all your programs at once.
257. (or Sep 14) Really Simple Online Time Tracker – ever wonder, how long certain tasks take? Timelog is a simple and easy to use solution that works across all platforms and gives you all the tools you need to keep track of your challenges.
258. (or Sep 15) Corrupt-a-File – Corrupt any file. Struggle with a report you can’t complete? Bored by this Excel sheet? Tired with this code which won’t work? Upload your file and CAF will corrupt it. Your boss, customer or teacher will think you delivered on time, yet he can’t open it due to technology hassle.
259. (or Sep 16) Paste Bin – Pastebin is a website where you can store any text online for easy sharing. The website is mainly used by programmers to store pieces of sources code or configuration information, but anyone is more than welcome to paste any type of text. The idea behind the site is to make it more convenient for people to share large amounts of text online.
260. (or Sep 17) Readability Score – How readable is your writing? You have 7 seconds to grab someone’s attention. helps you cut out the noise.
261. (or Sep 18) Incredibox – a musical app in which you can quickly and easily create a mix by running a band of beatboxers.
262. (or Sep 19) TED Talks – Short, fascinating talks on a variety of subjects. An amazing resource, completely free. I’m a big fan.
263. (or Sep 20) CV Maker – Create beautiful, professional resumes in minutes, free.
264. (or Sep 21) – Speed read the web one word at a time.
265. (or Sep 22) – convenient storage in the cloud. Dropbox is a modern workspace designed to reduce busywork – so you can focus on the things that matter.
266. (or Sep 23) Alexa – No, not that Alexa. This one helps you find website traffic, statistics, and analytics.
267. (or Sep 24) What is My Screen Resolution? – Simple website that instantly tells you what screen resolution you are currently using.
268. (or Sep 25) PDF to HTML Converter – Free online PDF to HTML conversion. Convert PDF to HTML in 2 steps.
269. (or Sep 26) – Online typing tutor which employs statistics and smart algorithms to automatically generate typing lessons matching your skills.
270. (or Sep 27) Future Me – Write a letter to your future self or to someone else (in the future).
271. (or Sep 28) RetailMeNot – Get coupons, promo codes, sales, cash back offers, gift card deals for thousands of stores & brands at RetailMeNot, your ultimate savings destination.
272. (or Sep 29) – helps you effortlessly manage your finances in one place.
273. (or Sep 30) Cost of Living Calculator (US specific) – compare the cost of living in two cities.
274. (or Oct 1) Visual Ping Website Change Checker – Very useful – VP monitors webpages… so you don’t have to!
Select an area and relax: VP will send you an email alert when something changes.
275. (or Oct 2) PayScale – helps employers and their employees understand the right pay for every position and effectively communicate about compensation.
276. (or Oct 3) – Ephemeral file sharing. Convenient, anonymous and secure.
277. (or Oct 4) Should I Remove It? – Purge your PC of program clutter. Take the guesswork out of removing unwanted PC programs.
278. (or Oct 5) Shodan – Search Engine for Internet-connected devices such as web cams, routers, servers etc.
279. (or Oct 6) MIT Open Courseware – MIT OpenCourseWare makes the materials used in the teaching of almost all of MIT’s subjects available on the Web, free of charge.
280. (or Oct 7) Intermittent Productivity Timer – Procrastinating? Use this interval timer depending on how lazy you are: “I Know what to do but I’ve got too much work!” ~ Start a 5 min Break. Mentally you are exhausted! So forget about the work completely, relax 100%. ~ Continue with a comfortable task for 7 min…
281. (or Oct 8) Canva – Create designs for Web or print: blog graphics, presentations, Facebook covers, flyers, posters, invitations and so much more.
282. (or Oct 9) – Learn the typical weather anywhere on Earth
283. (or Oct 10) – Various useful online network tools.
284. (or Oct 11) University of the People – The world’s first non-profit, tuition-free,
accredited, online, American university.
285. (or Oct 12) Glassdoor – Find the job that fits your life.
286. (or Oct 13) Domain (or Business) Name Generator – free online tool to generate domain names. Gives you domain ideas & suggestions by using synonyms, prefixes, suffixes, short url, keyword suggestions.
287. (or Oct 14) Epicurious -the ultimate food resource for the home cook, with daily kitchen tips, fun cooking videos, and, oh yeah, over 33000 recipes.
288. (or Oct 15) 9GAG – Relax, have a laugh with 9gag’s awesome collection of the funniest pics, gifs, memes and wtf photos on the internet.
289. (or Oct 16) MP3 Converter – Mp3 Converter is free Youtube to mp3 Converter tool to Convert Youtube To Mp3, Mp4, f4v, webm and more. You may also Download and Convert Vimeo, Dailymotion and more.
290. (or Oct 17) Recipe Puppy – an ingredient based recipe search engine.
291. (or Oct 18) – Find the Best Gas Prices and everything else you need to fuel your journey.
292. (or Oct 19) – The search engine that doesn’t track you.
293. (or Oct 20) – provides products and services designed to educate, motivate and inspire lifelong weight control.
294. (or Oct 21) The Oatmeal The Oatmeal is a huge library of awesome content — some comprised entirely of graphics. Even if you’ve read everything already, it’s the kind of stuff you can read over and over again.
295. (or Oct 22) – Automatic diet planner.
296. (or Oct 23) DeviantArt – large online social network for artists and art enthusiasts, and a platform for emerging and established artists to exhibit, promote, and share their works with an enthusiastic, art-centric community.
297. (or Oct 24) – plays a varying list of keyboard typing and other sound files in a continual loop. The ambient typing sounds can be a motivational tool to spur your innate work ethic.
298. (or Oct 25) Asana – online project tracking tool.
299. (or Oct 26) – Interactive periodic table with dynamic layouts showing names, electrons, oxidation, trend visualization, orbitals, isotopes, and compound search. Full descriptions from write-up sources.
300. (or Oct 27) Dead Man’s Switch – Why? Bad things happen. Sometimes, they happen to you. If something does happen, you might wish there was something you had told the people around you. How you feel, what you regret, what you wish you had said. For this, you need a dead man’s switch.
301. (or Oct 28) Adblock Plus – Surf the web without annoying ads.
302. (or Oct 29) Documentary Heaven – a site filled with thousands of free online documentaries just waiting to be seen, so come on in and embrace the knowledge.
303. (or Oct 30) Road Trippers – Discover, plan, and hit the road.
304. (or Oct 31) How Stuff Works – an award-winning source of unbiased, reliable, easy-to-understand answers and explanations of how the world actually works.
305. (or Nov 1) What’s My IP Address? – IP address lookup & other IP address related information.
306. (or Nov 2) Grammarly – makes sure everything you type is easy to read, effective, and mistake-free.
307. (or Nov 3) – free online profile.
308. (or Nov 4) DistroWatch – a website dedicated to talking about, reviewing and keeping up to date with open source operating systems. This site particularly focuses on Linux distributions and flavours of BSD, though other open source operating systems are sometimes discussed. There is a lot of information out there on Linux distributions and this site tries to collect and present that information in a consistent manner to make it easier to locate.
309. (or Nov 5) Feedly – a smart reader that connects you to the information you need to stay ahead of the next big trend in your industry.
310. (or Nov 6) Pad Mapper (US/Canada specific) – Easily search apartments for rent across the US and Canada.
311. (or Nov 7) Reelgood – a 100% free streaming service search engine that offers a wide range of documentaries, movies, and TV shows. Reelgood also gives users a personalized view where they can see all of the shows available to them from different streaming services in one place.
312. (or Nov 8) Difference Between – enables you to differentiate two similar subjects. The site provides you with instant information on various topics. The subjects are organized into a range of categories from ‘Business’ to ‘Technology’. Multiple reliable resources are combined and unified for each topic onto a single page, so then readers can gather adequate information very quickly and effortlessly.
313. (or Nov 9) Jimmyr – a mashup of the best sites on the internet integrated into one page. It is currently updated every 15 minutes.
314. (or Nov 10) – Online book swapping club.
315. (or Nov 11) Library of Congress – America’s oldest federal cultural institution, and it serves as the research arm of Congress. It is also the largest library in the world, with more than 162 million items. The collections include books, sound recordings, motion pictures, photographs, maps, and manuscripts.
316. (or Nov 12) Honey – Honey automatically applies the best coupon code at checkout. Never search for a code again.
317. (or Nov 13) Imgur – The most viral images on the internet, sorted by popularity.
318. (or Nov 14) Trivium Education – General Grammar, Aristotelian Logic, and Classical Rhetoric comprise the first three rules-based subjects of the 7 Liberal Arts and Sciences. As these disciplines are learned and practiced together, they form the overarching, symbiotic system for establishing clarity and consistency of personal thought called the Trivium. Visit the site to find out more…
319. (or Nov 15) MeFancy – web-based text HTML tools for easily manipulating your text and HTML files, useful for making global changes to blogs and websites.
320. (or Nov 16) – Satellite predictions and other astronomical data customised for your location.
321. (or Nov 17) Goodreads – large site for readers and book recommendations. Goodreads helps people find and share books they love.
322. (or Nov 18) Charity Navigator (US Specific) – evaluator of charities., CN uses an unbiased, objective, numbers-based rating system to assess over 9,000 of America’s best-known and some lesser known, but worthy, charities.
323. (or Nov 19) Lynda – Learn a new skill online, on your time.
324. (or Nov 20) Tune Find – helps you find music from your favorite TV shows and Movies.
325. (or Nov 21) Calm – Reduce anxiety, sleep better and feel happier.
326. (or Nov 22) No More Ransom – an initiative by the National High Tech Crime Unit of the Netherlands’ police, Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre and two cyber security companies – Kaspersky Lab and McAfee – with the goal to help victims of ransomware retrieve their encrypted data without having to pay the criminals.
327. (or Nov 23) Bob’s Books –
offers today’s digital photographers, artists and designers the ability to create a personally-customised, beautifully-presented photobook.
328. (or Nov 24) Rocking Page – Find the best trending websites.
329. (or Nov 25) – the world’s largest radio communications data provider, featuring a complete frequency database, trunked radio system information, and FCC license data. RadioReference is also the largest broadcaster of public safety live audio communications feeds, hosting thousands of live audio broadcasts of Police, Fire, EMS, Railroad, and aircraft communications.
330. (or Nov 26) Printable Paper – 1,752 papers you can download and print for free. We’ve got graph paper, lined paper, financial paper, music paper, and more.
331. (or Nov 27) – Online rhyming dictionary.
332. (or Nov 28) Doodle – radically simplifies the process of scheduling events, meetings, appointments, etc. Herding cats gets 2x faster with Doodle.
333. (or Nov 29) – tools and support for people who want to take control over their nutrition.
334. (or Nov 30) Product Chart – A new way to discover products. Each chart gives you an easy to grasp overview of what is available on the market, and provides the tools to find the product that is perfect for you.
335. (or Dec 1) Listly – Lists Made Social. Curate and publish great lists on Listly and on your website.
336. (or Dec 2) System Requirements Lab – analyzes your computer in just seconds, and it’s FREE.
337. (or Dec 3) Genes Reunited – Discover your family history online. Find your ancestors and create your own family tree online.
338. (or Dec 4) Letters of Note – is a stylish site with scans of letters, telegrams, faxes and memos: Einstein encouraging Roosevelt to pursue atomic research, the Museum of Modern Art turning down a gift from Andy Warhol in 1956.
339. (or Dec 5) – an online plagiarism checker that also provides a grammar checker too and a Tutor service. WriteCheck helps students become better writers by identifying grammar errors and unoriginal content in written work.
340. (or Dec 6) Science Learning Hub – a national project funded by the New Zealand Government to make examples of New Zealand science, technology and engineering more accessible to school teachers and students. Content is developed by teachers, teacher educators and multimedia experts working closely with New Zealand’s scientists, technologists and engineers.
341. (or Dec 7) – provides computer part selection, compatibility, and pricing guidance for do-it-yourself computer builders. Assemble your virtual part lists with PCPartPicker and PCPP will provide compatibility guidance with up-to-date pricing from dozens of the most popular online retailers.
342. (or Dec 8) PBS Video – Find show websites, online video, web extras, schedules and more for your favorite PBS shows.
343. (or Dec 9) Google Translate – Free service to instantly translate words, phrases and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.
344. (or Dec 10) – All of craigslist, eBay & more in one search.
345. (or Dec 11) IMDb – comprehensive online database of information related to films, television programs and video game.
346. (or Dec 12) Rainy Mood – popular rain simulator. Sleep, study, and relax with the sound of rain.
347. (or Dec 13) Stack Exchange – the Stack Exchange network consists of 133 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
348. (or Dec 14) Blah Therapy – connects you with random strangers around the world who are willing to talk to you about your problems, as well as sharing their own. Sharing and connecting with other strangers who are going through a struggles just like you provides great consolation to anyone in need of healing or a friend.
349. (or Dec 15) Top Universities – First of all, for information purposes, this is a useful online resource, but one of the main reasons it’s a uesful resource is that most universities now offer online learning courses in addition to the on-campus lifelong learning programs. Some have established entire online schools, along with various tools and facilities for collaboration and interaction online.
350. (or Dec 16) OneSignal – provides a simple interface to push notifications, letting content creators focus on quality user engagement instead of complex implementation.
351. (or Dec 17) Smallpdf – Online PDF tools.
352. (or Dec 18) Tripit – All your travel plans, in one place. Get a master itinerary for every trip.
353. (or Dec 19) The Oatmeal – Some of the finest comics that you would probably find on the internet.
354. (or Dec 20) Google Trends – Discover the latest search trends, data and visualizations from Google.
355. (or Dec 21) UReddit – University of Reddit, with dozens of courses in the arts, computer science, language, maths and statistics, and more.
356. (or Dec 22) HowToPronounce – Click, hear & learn with Free online audio pronunciation multilingual dictionaries.
357. (or Dec 23) Hide My Ass! – Connect to the internet safely & anonymously. Access your favourite content worldwide. HMA! works on PC, Mac, Android & iOS.
358. (or Dec 24) Mailstrom –
identifies bundles of related mail and makes it easy for you to act on them as a group. Slice through tens, hundreds, or thousands of emails at once.
359. (or Dec 25) Metacritic – helps consumers make an informed decision about how to spend their time and money on entertainment.
360. (or Dec 26) The Stage – The Stage website is updated daily with the latest news, reviews interviews, in-depth features and advice on working within the performing arts industry.
361. (or Dec 27) Coffitivity – Coffitivity recreates the ambient sounds of a cafe to boost your creativity and help you work better.
362. (or Dec 28) Slideshare – Share what you know and love through presentations, infographics, documents and more.
363. (or Dec 29) TypeRacer – Improve your typing speed by racing against others. The award-winning online typing competition, TypeRacer, allows people to race each-other by typing quotes from books, movies, and songs. It is the first multiplayer typing game on the web.
364. (or Dec 30) Recycle Now – the national recycling campaign for England, supported and funded by Government, managed by WRAP and used locally by over 90% of English authorities. RN helps people to recycle more things, more often.
365. (or Dec 31) Useful Interweb – A good one to end with. In case this list isn’t enough for you, this site is updated every day with more useful and educational links.
Do you know of a great practical website that you just can’t believe I have missed off the above list or that you’d simply like to share?
If so, please leave a comment and mention it.
Disclaimer / Back Rod / Favour
So obviously the big risk whenever you put someone else’s link on your site is that you have no control over them and you can end up with broken links (go to #214 in this list if you think you have some). So I do feel a little like I may have made something of a rod for my own back creating an article with 365 of them!!! So my little disclaimer, well not really a disclaimer, just a plea really, a plea that you’ll forgive me if you come across a link and it doesn’t work. Please forgive me.
In fact it’s not a disclaimer, it’s a favour. I’m asking you a favour – if you do come across any links in the above list that no longer work (obviously they do at the time of writing this, I tested all of them), could you leave me a comment and let me know? Then I’ll get a little prod and can come and fix it or swap it for something else. That would be very much appreciated.
If you want to see a list of removed sites, go here: Sites Removed Because They Stopped Working.
Final Thought
There are clearly some great sites out there, and looking through this lot with some of the ideas and themes apparent from the list, ranging from beautiful simplicity to impressive programming, it is clear that we have only just scratched the surface.
Who knows what the next few years will bring.
With the evolution and availability of online devices, progress in research and marketing from big companies, the emergence of artificial intelligence and the ongoing sharing and collaboration between crowdsourcing projects and the open source community, I reckon there will be even more impressive websites cropping up over the next few years.
If you spot any, feel free to shout about it in the comments.
Otherwise I hope you enjoy this list of useful websites, I certainly had fun putting it together.
Great list. Too bad Old Version, The Logo Bot, 3-minute journal are all gone.
Gravit was apparently bought by Corel and is now a paid service.
Oh wow. Many thanks for the heads-up.
I will have to replace those then when I get a moment (and will do).
Glad you liked the list – many thanks for your interest and for letting me know about these.
Take care & best wishes,
Yeah, cool list! Too bad about link rot though. I noticed #26 (3 minute journal) was gone and looked to notify you and saw this. If you do get around to replacing it, maybe you could drop my site in there? Shameless plug, I know.
Well you have kind of got your link here in any case (in the comments) so people can maybe see it here but I will also take a look if I can get some time and consider adding it. Thanks for the comment Christian.
Thank you for this list. I will s l o w l y go through some of these.Very helpful.
Lol, yeah – or bookmark it and come back to it from time to time.
Glad you like it & thanks for the comment.
Could also include – It’s great for students or even those starting up a business. Just has tons of motivational quotes & its completely free
Hi, Alan,
May be one more for text processing
Hi Kiryl, thanks for the comment & the suggestion, I’ll take a look when I get a moment,
in the meantime, at least your link & suggestion is here in the comments,
best wishes,
#294 Smart-kit is not responding
#311 Book drop app is no longer working.
Hi Christopher,
many thanks for pointing these out, I really do appreciate it & apologies for the delay in getting back to you to say so.
I’m going to take a look at these and check a few others in a little while, but just wanted to say thanks for now,
stay safe in these uncertain times & best wishes,
Wow, First Class List. Thanks to Webmaster
Most welcome.
My browsers can’t find Rules of Thumb website (#2)
Hi Jim,
many thanks for the heads-up, I really appreciate it (as it’s tricky to keep an eye on all of these websites without comments like yours lol).
Indeed when I checked it too just now it was down.
Usually I delete the site and replace with another as I have a small waiting list, but as this one was quite a nice site, a .org site and doesn’t look like the sort of site that should just disappear I am going to give it a week or two to see if it comes back then replace it on the list if not.
thanks again for the comment,
best wishes,
#72 has a link to It should be
OK many thanks for letting me know – fixing it now 😉
did you go through all the sites?
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