
What Is NLP? — 4 Comments

  1. I like your well-written article. Fantastic! I love this statement: “The good thing about NLP is it’s easy to learn more about it and it can also be learned in pieces.’

    NLP is really powerful, isn’t it?

  2. I’ve actually read some NLP books with even one from Bandler and Grind. There is some good stuff in there, but it does seem as if they exaggerate its usefulness. It’s hard for me to say since I haven’t had much opportunity to use it. I did have a friend who was getting a degree in NLP who swore by it so there does seem to be a lot to it.

    • Well Steve, I hear you. Really I do. I have studied NLP (not at university but I’m a qualified practitioner) HOWEVER I completely agree, people get very OTT passionate about it to exaggerated extents. I am also fascinated about the Law of Attraction stuff (I think I left a comment on your site on that one) – there are definitely HUGE advances that can be made by really believing and getting strong awareness and control of your thoughts, but these things won’t do everything for you.

      Law of Attraction zealots are in my view even more extreme than NLP zealots, lots of them from what I’ve heard really believe all you have to do is 100% believe in something and it has to happen. The only caveat is they always get to say (yes, but you obviously didn’t believe it 100%).

      Personally, I believe I can fly. I don’t know when, but I know it’s going to happen someday. For now, I’ve left all of the windows open just in case.

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