Life’s Too Good is a collection of articles and ponderings tending to be in one of the following areas:
Our articles are entirely free as is subscription to our mailing list.
The content on this site has evolved since it was first created and will continue to do so, but has always been broadly centered around the same three themes outlined above. Our Archives page will give you an idea at a glance of how the content has evolved & what articles are available on the site.
We started this website when we moved from London to a little village in the middle of the UK (Cromford, Derbyshire).
We swapped a busy stressful conventional life to a slow-paced simple and modest life. Since then, life has truly been too good and we certainly enjoy it a lot more for a lot less money. Life’s Too Good is not just a philosophy. All of the articles in this website come from our own trials and experiences.
We’re hoping our website will inspire you to make your life what you really want it to be and that you’ll enjoy it to the full. You don’t need to move to the countryside for that. Most of it you can incorporate into your own life wherever it is.