
XMas (aka How To Have a Happy, Stress-Free XMas) — 10 Comments

  1. I’ve noticed that Christmastime has been more stressful for me in the past few years. I think some of it has to do with getting everything right, but for me, it has to do with just getting everything done on time. Since I’ve gone to grad school my time around Christmas has been limited. Even this year I only had a two day window to really do any Christmas shopping plus get a tree and decorate it. In an already stressful time I just get more added stress. I think a lot of the stress does come from expectations, but I often think of what others expect of me. Personally, I don’t need to do much of anything or have any big expectations for myself for Christmas.

    • Hey Steve,

      I know what you mean and expectations (or even thoughts as I just commented on an article on your site) can be very powerful. Even if we think we have things under control there are so many influences around Christmas time and different things going on that it’s sometimes difficult not to get caught up in all of it. We have a cat and a young puppy so it seems the new look for the Christmas tree in our house is a massacred one!

      … and you’re right even if you’ve got your own expectations sorted out for Christmas, often you’re still affected by and want to try and satisfy the expectations of those close to you… but if you can be the most relaxed among all of the madness it will at least project to others and hopefully they’ll be encouraged to be more relaxed too.

      Anyways, I hope you’re having a fantastic festive season & very best wishes for some even cooler adventures in 2012!

    • Wow – thanks Jennifer (and now I know your first name too – perfect!)

      Hope you’re having a great festive season & best wishes for 2012,

      take care,

  2. Hi Isabelle and Alan,
    What a perfect timing for this article! With almost everybody rushing and starting to feel the stress and pressure of the coming holidays, this is indeed a timely reminder.

    Christmas time is my favorite season. I love the feeling of festivity. The only cause of stress that I will have on this occasion is if I don’t have enough funds for those Christmas goodies that I love.

    I’m relieved that I’ve gone past the wanting perfection stage and just want to enjoy the season with family and friends and of course goodies on the Christmas table. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Happy Holidays!

    • Hi Theresa,

      thanks & I’m glad you like it – I could write articles all year round about people rushing around too much, everybody seems to be. At XMas though, those people trying to do everything at 100 miles per hour could fall victim to stress and that’s such a shame, especially because it’s supposed to be the opposite – a time of appreciation, relaxation and reconnecting with loved ones.

      Funds are over-rated – replace funds with thoughts and find creative ways to give to one another and you’ll love this XMas even more than ever!!

      take care & best wishes for the festive season & for 2012,

  3. Alan,

    I love this article. I never understood either why people get so stressed at this time!! The only reason I get stressed is because I am a procrastinator. That does not mix with getting everything done on time, does it? BUT I do this year round so Christmas is no different, lol.

    I think I don’t stress because I love to eat. And this is the only time of the year I bake like a mad woman! Hee hee!

    I look forward to this time of year. Hubby and I have small families and rarely see them. This is our time to reconnect and see nieces and nephews that have grown taller than us, lol. And we get to sleep in and eat and read a book and relax.

    I wish people would realize perfection is just in Christmas cards and get over their anxiety. January will come, a new year to start fresh. Nevermind trying to look and act perfect for judgeMENTAL people. Surround yourself with those that care and you have fun with and Christmas will be joyous!

    Merry Christmas!


    • I like it … judgeMENTAL… lol. Personally I like really simple small traditional gifts, humble appreciation, total relaxation, and as you say some time to enjoy eating and drinking with the extended family.

      When I was young my parents would always let me have a sip of their wine at XMas dinner which added to my tiredness from getting up crazily early that morning would make me really tipsy and giggly until I’d crash out and fall asleep on the sofa.

      These days I get up crazily early with my own kids and I still can’t sleep all night because I am excited to see them enjoy XMas the next day – I’m now 38 and don’t drink alcohol anymore (I’m giggly enough without it) but am still bound to fall asleep in the afternoon just because I’m knackered!!

      Anyways, have a great XMas with your nieces & nephews,

      take care,

  4. As i read this article i thought wow this is so true. But a few years ago i would have said HOG WASH. Christmas has to be perfect. Decorations must be everywhere. Dinner must have wine and cheeese and good crystal and and and…
    Over the past few years, due to unemployment and putting our money more in experiences like travel we have cut back on xmas festivities and focused more on family. Albeit, we try to always have an outstanding xmas diner but just don’t have as many dishes now. The stress level has gone down significantly. Friends complain about how stressful and busy they are at Christmas time and i say do less but they say they can’t and i say “OH WELL”. Merry Christmas

    • Exactly!!


      thanks for such a wonderful and inspiring comment Annie – here’s to focussing on what’s really important in life,

      have a great festive season (I’m sure you will),

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