Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs

Following that post, I decided to create a series of Business Model Presentations – this is the second presentation in that series (the first one being the Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing Model of Team Development).
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs
The presentation below pretty much covers what you need to know about Maslow’s Hierarchy. If, however you would like to know more I provide a little more background and links to Maslow’s work below. You can for example find some of his talks and interviews for free online via the links below.
So, here we have a video (above) and a presentation (below). Please watch the video for a brief overview of the model. This should tell you all you need to know but in case you need to refer back to the information the presentation can then be used to easily access the full amount of information slide-by-slide.
Further Information
There’s more to Abraham Maslow’s than his famous Hierarchy of Needs. His ideas and concepts apply to modern business and particularly to employers and organisations understanding their workforce so that they can provide real meaning, purpose and true personal development for their employees. For life – not just for work.
Maslow saw these issues fifty years ago: the idea of the employees having the right to strive for self-actualisation, just as much as corporate directors and owners do.
These days, most organisations get the idea and have programmes in place to deal with staff development, programmes which cater to issues beyond classic Theory-X style training methods (more about Theory-X & Theory Y soon).
The premise is simple: when people grow and develop as people, they also become more effective and valuable as employees.
Where to Find Maslow’s Talks
You can find a total of 28 and a half hours of Abraham Maslow’s talks (from the 60s) on the following subjects:
- Self-Actualization (1 mp3 file, total playing time 1 hour)
- Psychology and Religious Awareness (1 mp3 file, total playing time 1 hour)
- The Aims of Education (1 mp3 file, total playing time 1 hour)
- The B-language Workshop (5 mp3 files, total playing time 5 hours, 35 minutes)
- Weekend with Maslow (9 mp3 files, total playing time 4 hours, 25 minutes)
- The Eupsychian Ethic (6 mp3 files, total playing time 5 hours, 45 minutes)
- The Farther Reaches of Human Nature (10 mp3 files, total playing time 9 hours, 45 minutes)
Samples and the entire recordings are available at
Any feedback or comments at all (or questions you may have about the model) would be GREATLY appreciated.
Wow! You brought back some memories I tucked way back in my brain. As the slides progressed I remembered more and more of the anthropology courses I took 18 years ago. (My degree is in anthropology.) I sure do miss learning about people and why they do what they do but I realize I can use what I learned all those years past to online marketing, 🙂
I do somewhat agree with the model and I also believe it does apply for business as well as everyday life.
There is some argument to the top 2 levels and examining what our society believes to be successful fulfilled people. For instance, let’s look at Richard Branson. Very wealthy man, seems to have it all. Obviously he has the lower 3 levels met. But it is hard to see if the 2 top levels are met for him. We would need to see into his mind to actually know if he has a solid self esteem and has the fulfillment we all crave, and assume he wants also.
What I do know. I am aware of many people “stuck” at the fourth level. They lack a strong self esteem and seem to never reach their full potential. Maybe even substituting what they believe to be success with objects like cars, houses, and trips. But they are never fulfilled and happy.
Can this model be meshed with the Forming, Storming….model? They seem to mesh. A business cannot get to “norming” until basic needs are met. And “performing” seems to rely on the leaders self esteem and the self esteem of the team’s players to do well.
Maybe the Storming, Norming…model only pertains to the top 2 levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy. ???
I can’t wait to see more models. You really got my brain juices flowing and thinking. I have been thinking of business models quite often lately as I try to form my business.