
Keep Things in Perspective — 3 Comments

  1. Alan,
    what a great example. I’m sure everyone who reads this can relate to your real world example. both in work and in their home life. I have a bunch of busy work i do which prevents me from doing the real work that helps my bottom line. (whatever that bottom line is).
    One simple thing i do that really helps me keep things in perspective is to write down three things everyday that I want to do. (the power of three) that are important to some goals.
    It helps keep me in check and often keeps me from straying off to do that busy work that can be good but really isn’t always necessary. It works most of the time. It took me about a month or two to get used to this process but now it’s just like brushing my teeth. I always do it.

  2. Yes! Perspective is a life changer. Oh my gosh, I just realized how out of perspective that sentence could be. šŸ™‚
    Funny thing is, I see what you are talking about all the time. Isn’t it wild that we laugh about babies thinking the universe revolves around them and then proceed as if the universe actually revolves around me or my job or my family or my team or whatever.

    • Hey Yvonne,

      thanks! yes, it’s easy to get caught up in our own problems, and we’re also influenced by our own ‘filters’ when we form opinions or impressions of others too – i.e. we usually react to a given moment but of course don’t know what else is happening in their lives.

      there’s a lot to be gained by slowing down, knowing that our view of the world is just our view of the world and not necessarily everybody’s, forgiving others & trying to see their positive intentions, living in the moment and focusing on what we can change and, well, keeping things in perspective šŸ˜‰

      thanks again for the kind words!!

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