
Learn To Breathe! — 7 Comments

  1. wonderful shared. You have shared here superb and very helpful information about Breathing. I will start it from tomorrow.

  2. it is indeed a very useful exercise.
    Its a part of yaga, part of what we call pranayama. In fact regular breathing exercises like this one has been shown to have a benifit even in diseases like asthma.

    • Thanks for pointing out another positive benefit of learning how to breathe well!
      I came to better breathing through Tai-chi then discovered the yogic breath. I love both the Tai-Chi and Yoga approach of fostering good health and preventing illnesses in a most natural way.

  3. Great article. My doctor recommended diaphragmatic breathing over a year ago due to my COPD, and it has really improved my breathing. What a huge difference compared to where I was a year ago.

    • Absolutely! Breathing right is so easy to learn and to implement and yet what an impact it can have. Thanks for sharing the positive influence it has had on your health.
      Very best wishes

  4. Nice !! There is also the 3-phase yogic breathing where, all in one breath, you breathe first into the lower abdomen, then into the midsection, then into the upper chest. On the out breath you reverse the process. 😉

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