
Zen, The Inner Child & The Perfect Cup of Tea — 2 Comments

  1. Hi,

    This ‘focus on the process’, reminds me of enjoy the process, which is so much like saying be sure to enjoy the journey.
    I try to tell my children nothing is certain, so enjoy all the opportunities presented.
    These opportunities are like university, travel, meeting your parents friends and work colleges!
    People are often in a hurry to reach a goal and ignore the journey as an inconvenience and a delay.

    • So very true,

      I agree, it’s all about the journey. In his book, ‘Bounce’, Matthew Syed talks about the greats (Ballesteros, Federer, Phelps, Mozart…), particularly those you might say have natural born talent instead having immense enthusiasm for their art which leads to focused practice (a focus on the process) which in turn leads them not only to put more hours in, but to put the right hours in and to give that practice as much focus and intensity, if not more, as the ‘live’ activity (i.e. in a more competitive environment).

      In his autobiography, Tiger Woods describes in detail his love for the driving range and practice and how he finds it to be a favourite place to be, comfortably perfecting a particular aspect of his game and losing track of time there. Most golfers find the driving range very boring.

      Thanks for your comment, I agree with this 100%.

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